
MartiniSPA in the spotlight at Cosmoprof Worldwide 2022 1200 900 Martini Spa Events

MartiniSPA in the spotlight at Cosmoprof Worldwide 2022

Spugna a rete 100% riciclata: viva l’igiene circolare!
100% recycled net sponge: long live circular hygiene! 1200 900 Martini Spa Focus on products

100% recycled net sponge: long live circular hygiene!

The Inspired Home Show 2022: MartiniSPA returns to Chicago 1200 900 Martini Spa Events

The Inspired Home Show 2022: MartiniSPA returns to Chicago

L’impegno green di MartiniSPA: una storia sostenibile - MartiniSPA
The green commitment of MartiniSPA: a sustainable history 1200 900 Martini Spa Focus on products

The green commitment of MartiniSPA: a sustainable history

Cooperation project Coop Italia 1920 600 Martini Spa Martini historySpecial projects

Cooperation project Coop Italia

Supersponges army 1200 800 Martini Spa EventsFocus on productsTips

Supersponges army

MartiniSPA at Cosmoprof Bologna 2019 1200 900 Martini Spa Events

MartiniSPA at Cosmoprof Bologna 2019